AWS cloudwatch insights

AWS cloudwatch insights

October 18, 2023 Tai Ha

TOP SQL Query No. Purpose Commands 1 Find slow query with query_time greater than 0.250(s) and sort desc parse @message “Query_time: * Lock_time: * Rows_sent: * Rows_examined: *\n*” as Query_time,Lock_time,Rows_sent,Rows_examined,q| filter Query_time > 0.250| sort Query_time desc 2 Find slowest write queries parse @message /Query_time: (?<queryTime>.*?) Lock_time: (?<lockTime>.*?) Rows_sent: (?<rowsSent>.*?) …

MacOS Sonoma Keyboard Shortcuts | Cheatsheet 

MacOS Sonoma Keyboard Shortcuts | Cheatsheet 

October 12, 2023 Tai Ha

macOS is a robust operating system used worldwide. However, many Mac enthusiasts might not be aware of the numerous keyboard shortcuts that enhance its usability. Interested in harnessing more from your Mac? Here’s an extensive list of Mac keyboard shortcuts. Whether it’s accessibility functions, desktop configurations, or in-system searches, these …